[Useful NZ Website] The Compost Collective

The Compost Collective is an initiative to reduce the amount of food waste that is being dumped in Auckland landfills. They offer plenty of information on their website and FREE composting workshops around Auckland that cover traditional composting, worm farms and bokashi systems.


The Goal of The Compost Collective is to educate and empower as many individuals, families and households as possible about the importance of turning household green waste into compost; thereby reducing kerbside waste.

Why Compost?

  • Less waste to local landfills – If you compost it you don’t need to trash it.
  • Saves you money on your yearly waste bill – Here in Auckland we are paying for every item that goes in our kerbside trash bins. By converting your kitchen green waste into compost you will no longer be paying to have it collected.
  • Grow a healthier garden – Lets face it, worms and soil bacteria eat green waste and plants eat the excrement of worms and soil bacteria. A healthy garden needs compost and with a little forethought and effort you can provide your garden with FREE nutrition.
  • Provide your family with FREE food – Grow a garden in the compost you make yourself.
  • Teaches children, young people and adults to be environmentally thoughtful.

Who supports TCC?

The Compost Collective operates with support from Auckland Council, the Kaipatiki Project Environment Centre and EcoMatters Environment Trust.

free workshops

The Compost Collective runs FREE workshops around Auckland from Warkworth to Pukekohe. Click here to find a FREE workshop in your local area.

Additionally, by attending a FREE workshop you will also receive a $40 discount coupon to go towards a composting bin, worm farm or bokashi system (which ever you think is best for you); what an incentive!

What if i don’t have the time or room to compost?

I’m glad you asked. Visit The Compost Collective’s ShareWaste website and they will help you find a gardener in your local area who is already composting, worm farming or keeps chickens.  Helping you reduce waste by collaborating with your neighbors; that’s awesome!

Limited time special offer!

I Registered for a composting event in my local area. Along with my confirmation email I received a special offer from Predator Free New Zealand. It read: “limited special offer for all those registering to our workshops – Get a rat trap and tunnel box set for FREE!” I’m pretty sure there are rats snooping around our chicken coup so this trap will definitely be put to good use. I don’t know how many they have available so if you live in Auckland you’d better get in quick! I received my free tunnel and trap this morning and will be writing up a blog post about it shortly.


If you have attended a Compost Collective workshop or want to share your waste reduction strategies? Please comment below, we’d love to hear from you.


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